IDM Short Insights 36: Why do European Elections 2024 matter?


EU citizens across all Member States will soon be electing representatives to the European Parliament. Why is it important to vote and why should you use your vote? In the newest IDM Short Insight, the IDM team explains their motivations behind casting a ballot between 6 and 9 June, and highlights the perspectives of those who can (no longer) vote.


Hi, I’m Sebastian. And I’m Sophia. We’re both from Germany. But we will vote here in Austria. In the past five years, a lot has changed here at IDM. And also in the European Union. The European Union needs reform, but that doesn’t mean that we should vote for extremist parties. Only a strong and united Europe that upholds democratic and European values will be able to face the challenges that are lying ahead. 

Hey, my name is Daniel and I’m originally from Czechia and I will be voting also in Czechia. But actually it doesn’t matter where you are voting, the most important thing is actually that you are voting. Because you know, no matter if you are speaking about local, regional, national or European elections, for me I always perceived going to vote as a kind of matter of course, as a civic duty. I think actually everyone should perceive it this way. 

Hi, I’m Francesco. I’m a trainee at the IDM and I will vote in Italy, the country I’m from, because I don’t want anyone else to choose for me. I want to have my choice in the next European elections. Hi, I’m Peter from Hungary, but I could vote in three different countries, but I think I will vote in the country where Europe needs maybe more support, and I think that is the reason why you have to vote, because Europe needs support. 

I’m Malwina, I come from Poland, but this time for the first time I will be voting in Austria. I will vote because I have seen what positive and transformative impact the EU accession had on my country and also on my life. And I want to ensure that parties that will get to the European Parliament will keep up this good work. I’m Rebecca and I’m from England and I would love to vote in the elections, but I can’t because my country left the EU. So that’s why I appeal to you: don’t take it for granted, use your voice and appreciate what you have.