Is NATO – 2 being created in Europe? – Experts share their views

Foreign experts, among whom the Director of the IDM and fellow of the Global Europe Center at the GLOBSEC Policy Institute in Bratislava Sebastian Schäffer,  shared their opinion regarding Italy Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani’s proposal of establishing an EU army as an alternative to NATO. How sensible does this “military” idea of Tajani look? What is the reason for the Italian politician to raise this issue now? What about current realities? Can such an army be established without Türkiye?

Read the full article with Ednews here.

Péter Techet for Pátria Rádió about the most important elections of 2024

Péter Techet gave an interview to the Hungarian-language program “Pátria Rádió” of the public broadcasting of Slovakia about the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections. The entire interview (in Hungarian) can be heard here.

Péter Techet on the reasons for authoritarianism in Serbia and Hungary

For the German newspaper “taz,” Péter Techet wrote an op-ed on why a democratic change is possible in Slovenia or Poland but repeatedly fails in Hungary and Serbia: One possible reason is that a signifant part of the society sees themselves as “losers of the history” and blames “the West” for it. As long as an anti-Western, nationalist climate dominates in society, a political change is hardly possible.

You can read the article here.

Daniela Apaydin für PULS24 über den NATO-Beitritt von Schweden und die Beziehung zwischen Ungarn und Türkei

Historikerin Daniela Apaydin spricht im Interview mit Anchor René Ach über den NATO-Beitritt von Schweden und die Beziehung zwischen Ungarn und Türkei.

Sehen Sie sich das Interview hier an.

Hungary as a Trojan Horse of the EU?

Sebastian Schäffer was interviewed by Eurasia Diary about the relation of Hungary with the EU. It is available in Azeri here.

Here are some excerpts in English:

“I don’t think that Viktor Oban is a Trojan horse of the Russian Federation inside the European Union. However, his actions and standpoint towards Ukraine, certainly serve the interest of Vladimir Putin. It is not the first time and it will unfortunately also not be the last time that the Hungarian Prime Minister is blackmailing Brussels. He needs the additional funds, and in order to unfreeze them he will not resort from using such despicable methods. It is politically, but also morally corrupt to try to gain a financial advantage on the backs of the Ukrainians who have been fighting for our freedom and our values and deserve not only the aid package, but also the opening of the negotiations that at least Orban didn’t veto, but he immediately after the decision has been taken (after he left the room as suggested by the German Chancellor) publicly denounced.”

Péter Techet on the Rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe in the Context of the Middle East Conflict

The Hungarian-language broadcast of the Slovak Radio conducted an interview with Péter Techet on the reasons behind the rise of anti-Semitism as a consequence of the Middle East conflict. Techet analyzed the pro-Israel stance of many right-wing populist parties, using it to conceal their anti-Muslim attitudes. At the same time, Techet discussed the anti-Semitic elements within the left and Muslim “anti-Zionism.”

The entire conversation (in Hungarian) can be heard here.

On the new anti-EU campaign of the Hungarian government

Péter Techet spoke with the French daily newspaper “La Croix” about the new campaign launched by the Hungarian government against Ursula von der Leyen and the son of George Soros, Alex Soros. Techet also analyzed the recent, ideological motivated constitutional amendment, which aims to protect the “sovereignty.”

The whole article is only available to subscribers.

Eines der drängendsten Themen unserer Zeit

Warum das österreichische Veto gegen den Schengen-Beitritt von Bulgarien und Rumänien aus vielen Gründen kurzsichtig ist, erklären Sophia Beiter und Sebastian Schäffer im Gastkommentar in DiePresse.

Lesen Sie es hier.


Der Gastkommentar wurde in internationalen Medien rezipiert:





How political parties used TikTok to target young voters in Poland’s general elections

Malwina Talik was interviewed by Gezim Hilaj/Interhackitives about the role of social media, especially TikTok in targeting young voters in Poland`s general elections.
You can read (and watch) it here.

Robert Fico Returns: Will Slovakia Become the New Hungary?

Left-wing populist Robert Fico, who was removed from power in Slovakia in 2018 after corruption scandals, has returned to power and formed a coalition with leftist and nationalist parties, which could have significant implications for Central Europe and the European Union.

Read the whole article by Daniel Martínek and Péter Techet here.