Sebastian Schäffer for Fair Observer: Make Sense of the New Central Europe and the EU

Sebastian Schäffer discussed about what is going on in Central Europe with Fair Observer since the region has seen a rise in populist, nationalist political parties that seemingly stand against the values of the EU. Member states like Hungary are even backsliding on democracy. Hungary has blocked some financial aid from entering Ukraine as it enters its third year of war with Russia.

You can watch the whole interview here.


Péter Techet about the consequences of resignation of the Hungarian president for ARTE

In the evening news of the Franco-German cultural channel ARTE, Péter Techet, research associate at the IDM, discussed whether the resignation of the Hungarian president and the criticism from a former Fidesz insider could endanger Viktor Orbán’s power.

You can watch the statement here in German (after 8:00) or in French (after 7:47).

Péter Techet on the mafia state in Hungary

In the Italian daily newspaper “Domani,” Péter Techet, research associate at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), was also interviewed about the current scandal in Hungary, which occurred following the resignation of President Katalin Novák. An insider from the Fidesz party revealed in an interview: The regime operates like a mafia state, where fear reigns and everything is controlled. Techet commented to “Domani” that the Fidesz-insider, who was married to the former Justice Minister of Hungary, described a regime “where the Stockholm Syndrome prevails: everyone, even those at the top of the power, are controlled and abused, the state functions like a family mafia.”

The article (behind a paywall) can be read in Italian here.

Péter Techet on the Hungarian “Bill on the Protection of Sovereignty”

In the current issue of the Swiss magazine “Religion und Gesellschaft in Ost und West,” Péter Techet analyzes the reasons and dangers of the “Bill on the Protection of Sovereignty,” which was passed in December in the Budapest Parliament. Techet explains how and why the government parties uses legal tools in order to restrict the opposition parties. The entire article can be read here.

Milliarden für die Ukraine: EU-Gipfel in Brüssel

Die Historikerin Daniela Apaydin vom Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM) beurteilt die Erwartungen an den EU-Sondergipfel an diesem Donnerstag in Brüssel. Dabei geht es um die Frage: „Wie geht es weiter mit der EU-Unterstützung für die Ukraine?“

Sehen Sie sich das Interview hier an.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico Is the EU’s Latest Headache

Daniel Martínek (IDM) explains to the Fair Observer the background of the current protests in Slovakia and describes the first steps taken by the government of the newly returned Prime Minister Robert Fico. Critics argue that the proposed reforms aim to consolidate power for the Smer party and protect Fico’s associates. Fico’s nationalist agenda faces opposition from both domestic protests and international pressure, with the upcoming presidential election crucial for the country’s democratic future. 

Read the article here. 

Malwina Talik im ZiB2-Gespräch über die Liberalisierung des Abtreibungsgesetzes in Polen

Malwina Talik (IDM) war am 25. Jänner in der ZiB2 bei Margit Laufer zu Gast. Dort hat sie die Pläne zur Liberalisierung des Abtreibungsgesetzes in Polen analysiert und mögliche Hürden besprochen.

Sehen Sie sich das Interview hier an.

How to Beat Authoritarian Parties, Polish-Style

Malwina Talik (IDM) gives her opinion for Fair Observer about what can democratic oppositions contesting elections this year learn from Poland after last year, when Poland’s opposition successfully defeated the illiberal ruling party Law and Justice. They did so not by forming a big tent coalition, but by each party speaking to the concerns of each voter. Poland’s success can be an example as an unusually high number of elections take place worldwide this year.

Read the whole article here.

Péter Techet on the dangers of Orbán’s understanding of sovereignty

For the Austrian newspaper “Die Presse,” Péter Techet wrote an op-ed on the new “Sovereignty Protection Act” that the Hungarian Parliament passed in December 2023. Techet criticizes that the sovereignty would be an absolute state power, and he highlights the anti-democratic dangers of sovereignty discourses.

The article can be read here.

Is NATO – 2 being created in Europe? – Experts share their views

Foreign experts, among whom the Director of the IDM and fellow of the Global Europe Center at the GLOBSEC Policy Institute in Bratislava Sebastian Schäffer,  shared their opinion regarding Italy Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani’s proposal of establishing an EU army as an alternative to NATO. How sensible does this “military” idea of Tajani look? What is the reason for the Italian politician to raise this issue now? What about current realities? Can such an army be established without Türkiye?

Read the full article with Ednews here.