Péter Techet for TAZ on the Croatian elections

Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, commented on the early Croatian parliamentary elections in the German daily newspaper “taz”. He writes that while Zoran Milanović’s victory may bring internal change in a country long dominated by the conservative HDZ party, his foreign policy would be more skeptical regarding the EU and NATO.

The article can be read here.

IDM Short Insights 34: Presidential Elections in Slovakia


On 6 April 2024, the second round of presidential elections took place in Slovakia. Peter Pellegrini, the leader of the government coalition party HLAS, defeated Ivan Korčok, the opposition candidate. On location in Bratislava, Daniel Martínek analyses the main reasons behind Pellegrini’s victory and what implications it will have for both domestic politics and Slovakia’s position on the international stage.

Peter Techet for Le Figaro on the chances of the new movement against Orbán

In the French daily newspaper “Le Figaro,” Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, analyzed the possible outcomes of the new, rather conservative movement in Hungary led by Péter Magyar against Viktor Orbán. Techet said that Magyar, with his conservative rhetoric and attacks on the current opposition, might be able to reach current Fidesz voters, especially since a regime change in Hungary is not possible without the center-right, conservative electorate.

The article in French can be read here (behind paywall).

Péter Techet about Orbán’s potential new opponent in “La Libre Belgique”

In the Belgian daily newspaper “La Libre Belgique”, Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, analyzed why Péter Magyar, who aims to launch a new movement against Viktor Orbán in Hungary, presents a threat not only to the government but also to the opposition, as he has predominantly appealed to opposition voters thus far.

The article in French can be read here (behind a paywall).

Péter Techet on the “Orbanization” of French Media in „Klubrádió“

In the evening program of the Hungarian Klubrádió, Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, spoke about the right-wing shift in French media.

You can listen to the program in Hungarian here (after 13:20).

Péter Techet on the new European Parliament after the elections

In the Hungarian-language program of the Slovak Radio (RTVS Pátria Rádió), Péter Techet, research associate at the IDM, analyzed the possible scenarios within the European Parliament after the elections in the summer.

The entire broadcast can be heard in Hungarian here.

IDM Short Insights 33: Why Local Elections in Poland Will Be a Test for the Tusk Government


In 2024, it is worth keeping an eye not only on national elections. In early April, Poles will be voting for local governments and mayors. In the newest IDM Short Insight, our colleague Malwina Talik explains why local ballots will carry significant weight for Poland. They represent an important test for the new Polish government, as well as for the Law and Justice party, which has been undergoing a deep crisis since its defeat in the parliamentary elections in the fall of 2023.

Sebastian Schäffer an der FH Wien der WKW

Sebastian Schäffer hielt auf Einladung von Dr. Mariele Schulze Berndt einen Gastvortrag an der FH Wien der WKW. Im Rahmen des Studienganges Journalism and Media Management sprach der IDM-Direktor über Der lange Weg nach Europa – Herausforderungen und Chancen der EU-Erweiterung in Südost- und Osteuropa. Er ging dabei unter anderem auf das Dilemma der Gleichzeitigkeit 2.0 ein und stellte den Vorschlag zu einem Erweiterten Europäischen Rat vor. Im Mittelpunkt des Inputs stand die aktuelle Entwicklung hinsichtlich der EU-Erweiterung in den neun (potentiellen) Kandidatenländern, nur zwei Tage zuvor hatte nun auch Bosnien und Herzegowina diesen Status erhalten. Daran schloss sich eine lebhafte Diskussion an, bei der unter anderem auch Fragen zur Arbeit des IDM besprochen wurden.