Péter Techet for Napunk (Denník N) on the “Patriots for Europe”

In the Hungarian-language edition of the Slovak daily newspaper “Denník N”; Péter Techet analyzed the new group “Patriots for Europe”, which was founded in the European Parliament with far-right parties, including those from Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Austria. Techet thinks that the new faction is essentially a rebranding of the former “Identity and Democracy” (ID) faction, as most member parties come from this group. However, the rebranding allows Viktor Orbán and Andrej Babiš, who were not part of ID, to present the new faction as their success. Techet interprets Marine Le Pen’s decision to remain in this group as a choice against the moderate path taken by Giorgia Meloni and her “European Conservatives and Reformists” (ERC) faction. Although the new “Patriots” faction will become the third strongest force in the new European Parliament, Techet does not expect it to significantly influence European politics, as the informal coalition between the European People’s Party (EPP), the Socialists (S&D), and the Liberals (Renew) still holds a majority. Additionally, the far-right parties are still divided on issues such as the war in Ukraine.

The article (in Hungarian) can be read here.

Péter Techet in taz on Orbán’s conservative alternative

In the German daily newspaper “taz”, Péter Techet analyses the possibility of a conservative alternative against illiberal populism in Hungary. In other Visegrád states as well, illiberal populism is being challenged from the right.

The article can be read here.

Péter Techet on the Results of the 2004 EU Enlargement for RTVS Pátria Rádió

In the Hungarian-language program of Slovak Radio RTVS, Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, analyzed the results of the enlargement of the European Union in 2004 as well as the challenges the EU faces regarding the “new” members and candidate countries.

The entire program can be listened to in Hungarian here.

Sebastian Schäffer on Asharq News: Humanism cannot be blackmailed

Sebastian Schäffer was invited by Asharq News to comment on recent statements by the Hungarian government reiterating that their country does not want to participate in NATO operations to transfer weapons and train Ukrainian soldiers. The IDM Director pointed out that Viktor Orban is currently facing one of the biggest anti-government protests happening in the history of the country and that the bluntness of these statements and the harsher reactions are therefore directly related to the internal situation in Hungary. Schäffer also stressed that the Hungarian government has been very reluctant when it comes to the support of Ukraine before and has used the debate about the sanctioning packages within the European Union for its own benefit: 

“[…] they want to a certain extent to benefit from the suffering that is happening in Ukraine. And this is something that I really condemn, especially if we talk about a collective security organization like NATO and a collective value community like the European Union. I would like to know what Viktor Orban would think if he was the victim of an aggression and we were debating whether we should help him or not. He’s not in this position, of course […] he is in NATO, and he can ask for the support. Ukraine can’t do that. Ukraine needs to rely on solidarity. And I can tell you, two weeks ago, I went to Ukraine, and I saw how the people are suffering there, and I saw the constant air raid alarms. I’ve witnessed air raid alarms again while being in the country and we are denying them the basic capabilities […] to defend themselves. And the Hungarian government is using this as leverage for their own benefit,” Schäffer said on the Arabic-language television channel.  

He admitted that Hungary is a sovereign country and that their decisions have to be respected. “But I am criticising that Hungary is part of a collective security treaty organisation, NATO; Hungary is part of a value community, the European Union: but they are themselves violating the value community in the European Union and they are denying the basic security of not a NATO member, but a NATO partner country, Ukraine. And here again I would ask, is it really a sovereign decision to deny the basic rights to defend oneself if we at the same time also try to personally profit from such a situation? And this is a point where I would doubt that we should have a single country blackmailing all others at the expense of the Ukrainian people”, the IDM Director concluded. 


Watch the video (in Arabic) here. 

Peter Techet for Le Figaro on the chances of the new movement against Orbán

In the French daily newspaper “Le Figaro,” Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, analyzed the possible outcomes of the new, rather conservative movement in Hungary led by Péter Magyar against Viktor Orbán. Techet said that Magyar, with his conservative rhetoric and attacks on the current opposition, might be able to reach current Fidesz voters, especially since a regime change in Hungary is not possible without the center-right, conservative electorate.

The article in French can be read here (behind paywall).

Péter Techet about Orbán’s potential new opponent in “La Libre Belgique”

In the Belgian daily newspaper “La Libre Belgique”, Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, analyzed why Péter Magyar, who aims to launch a new movement against Viktor Orbán in Hungary, presents a threat not only to the government but also to the opposition, as he has predominantly appealed to opposition voters thus far.

The article in French can be read here (behind a paywall).

Péter Techet on the “Orbanization” of French Media in „Klubrádió“

In the evening program of the Hungarian Klubrádió, Péter Techet, research associate at IDM, spoke about the right-wing shift in French media.

You can listen to the program in Hungarian here (after 13:20).

Péter Techet on the Mafia state and Clan Loyalty in Orbán’s Hungary for “taz”

In the German newspaper “TAZ,” Peter Techet, research associate at IDM, wrote an op-ed regarding the current scandal in Hungary (following the resignation of the President of the State), i.e. the revelations from a Fidesz insider about the regime as a “family business.” Techet argues that Hungary is a post-communist Mafia state: the Orbán regime is not held together by an ideology, but by pure clan loyalty.

The article can be read here.

Péter Techet about the consequences of resignation of the Hungarian president for ARTE

In the evening news of the Franco-German cultural channel ARTE, Péter Techet, research associate at the IDM, discussed whether the resignation of the Hungarian president and the criticism from a former Fidesz insider could endanger Viktor Orbán’s power.

You can watch the statement here in German (after 8:00) or in French (after 7:47).

Péter Techet on the mafia state in Hungary

In the Italian daily newspaper “Domani,” Péter Techet, research associate at the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM), was also interviewed about the current scandal in Hungary, which occurred following the resignation of President Katalin Novák. An insider from the Fidesz party revealed in an interview: The regime operates like a mafia state, where fear reigns and everything is controlled. Techet commented to “Domani” that the Fidesz-insider, who was married to the former Justice Minister of Hungary, described a regime “where the Stockholm Syndrome prevails: everyone, even those at the top of the power, are controlled and abused, the state functions like a family mafia.”

The article (behind a paywall) can be read in Italian here.