Welcome to the media section of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM)!  

You can find a concise overview of our institute’s history, scope, and activities in the general information for media (2023)

Are you working as a journalist? Join our mailing list for updates by sending us an e-mail to idm@idm.at and we’ll keep you informed on relevant media events. 

Areas of Expertise: 

Sebastian Schäffer:  European Integration, reform of European Governance, Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy (especially Moldova, Ukraine and Western Balkans), Future Scenarios, European Union Strategy for the Danube Region

Daniela Apaydin (currently on maternity leave): Processes of Democratization, Transformation and Europeanization Protests and Social Movements/Environmentalism, Water power, Academic freedom and Media plurality

Kamila Bogdanova: Strategic and Security studies, Frozen Conflicts, Geopolitics, European Integration, Terrorism, Migration

Sophia Beiter: Ethnic minorities in Eastern Europe, language policy, politics of Russian Federation and the Black Sea Region, prevention of radicalisation 

Kamila Bogdanova: Strategie- und Sicherheitsstudien, Eingefrorene Konflikte, Europäische Integration, Terrorismus, Migration

Jack Gill: Foreign policy and security in Central and Eastern Europe and former Soviet Union, Eastern Partnership, regional/subnational governance & autonomy, minority issues

Melanie Jaindl: Migration (in particular Balkan Route), Feminism, Gender and Intersectionality, Social (In-)justice, Media, Western Balkans (in particular Yugoslav successor states) 

Daniel Martínek: Domestic and foreign politics of Visegrad countries; International, regional and cross-border cooperation formats; EU macro-regional strategies; transnational activities; democratic participation; civil society organisations

Malwina Talik: Polish politics, migration, democratization and democratic backsliding, post-communist transformation, women’s studies, politics of memory in Poland, V4-China relations, global studies and global history 

Peter Techet: Politics, culture and history of Hungary and the Western Balkan countries; legal / constitutional issues from the region; populism / autocracy / “illiberal democracy”; media politics of Hungary and Western Balkan countries

Rebecca Thorne: Climate, environment and energy in Central, East and Southeast Europe


Are you looking for an expert on a specific country of Central East and Southeast Europe? Please visit our team page for further details on our country-specific expertise. 

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