Malwina Talik: President Macron is only one of European leaders and his sentiment is not shared across the EU

“The EU is not on the same page regarding its approach towards the US. Some countries like Poland or the Baltic states are proponents of the very close Euro-Atlantic alliance. With his statement Macron represents the position of some EU politicians but not of the EU as whole.”

commented Malwina Talik  on Macron’s remarks that Europe must reduce its dependency on the United States and avoid getting dragged into a confrontation between China and the US over Taiwan.

Read the whole interview for the Eurasia Diary here.

Sebastian Schäffer: It is against the interest of the Kremlin

“We have heard the justification for the actions of the Kremlin from the very beginning. For me it remains the typical approach to blame everyone else and resort to playing the role of the victim”

commented Sebastian Schäffer on the accusation of the Kremlin that the West has been waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. 

Read the whole interview for the Eurasia Diary here.


Ukraine’s Relations in Central and Eastern Europe | FO° Talks

„Everyone that has candidate status to become a member of the EU is Central Europe today“,

says Sebastian Schäffer in his talk with Atul Singh CEO of Fair Observer.

Watch the whole discussion here:

“Solidarität auf dem Prüfstand?” Malwina Talik und Magdalena Baran Szoltys für DerStandard und Eastblog

Der Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine zwang Millionen Menschen zur Flucht. Die meisten wurden von Polen aufgenommen. In ihrem Artikel für den Eastblog – Universität Wien und DER STANDARD verdeutlichen IDM-Kollegin Malwina Talik gemeinsam mit Magdalena Baran-Szołtys (RECET – Research Center for the History of Transformations), was ein Jahr Krieg für die ukrainischen Geflüchteten und die polnische Gesellschaft bedeutet.  



“Mitteleuropa verstehen” – Podiumsdiskussion mit Sebastian Schäffer beim ÖJC

“Um diese Moral zu bewahren und auszubauen, sind Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation über Grenzen hinweg die Schlüssel zu einer demokratischen, friedlichen und nachhaltigen europäischen Zukunft. Genau dafür setzen wir uns vom Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa ein.

Am Vorabend des Jahrestags des russischen Einmarschs in die Ukraine war Sebastian Schäffer Gast im Pressesalon des 1977 gegründeten Österreichischen Journalist*innen Clubs. Er verdeutlichte, welche Rolle Think Tanks wie das IDM in Zeit der Krise und Krieges annehmen und diskutierte auch über aktuellen Themen, die die Region prägen, sowie das bald 70jährige bestehen des Instituts. 

Die kurze Zusammenfassung des Gesprächs finden Sie hier:

“Die Ukriane wird den Krieg gewinnen”: Den Veranstaltungsbericht des ÖJC können Sie hier lesen. Die vollständige Aufnahme können Sie hier sehen: 


Sebastian Schäffer on coup plot accusations against Russia for Deutsche Welle

Moldova’s authorities claim that foreign saboteurs have planned to stage a coup in the country, Russia refute the allegations. Sebastian Schäffer commented on these growing tensions for Deutsche Welle: 

“What the Moldovan president, Maia Sandu, said, that the country and its citizens should have a maximum vigilance is the right call, because I don’t believe, even if it’s heavily denied by Lavrov and the likes, that there is nothing going on.” 

Watch the whole interview here.

„Europe (still) hesitant to provide democracy aid“ Kinga Brudzińska for Encompass

„On the EU level, the war was a catalyst for significant developments in several policy areas, foremost defence and energy. But its impact on democracy support has been so far rather limited.“

writes Kinga Brudzińska (IDM) in her op-ed for Encompass Europe. Read the whole comment and learn more on European support for democracy.

Sebastian Schäffer quoted by Azerbajani media

Sebastian Schäffer has been recently interviewed by several Azerbajani media. Below you can find quotes from and links to the selected ones: 

On challenges for energy transition:

One can only imagine what would have been possible if the same ambition had been invested in real alternative sources a couple of years ago“

On the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

„The Kremlin feels very comfortable in its victimhood. According to them it is almost always the failure of everyone else and especially the West that is acting against them“

Sebastian Schäffer for Alghad TV

Sebastian Schäffer participated in a talk on Alghad TV about the Franco-German relations and the current security situation in the EU. He stated that despite many differences, both countries are close allies which was reiterated in the context of the 60th anniversary of the Elysee Treaty. Their relation is also reflected in different positions towards the war in Ukraine and diverging understanding of showing support and solidarity. Hoewever, there are bigger dissonances within the EU member states, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, than between Paris and Berlin. 

Sebastian Schäffer about the Russian war against Ukraine for Asharq News

Last evening Sebastian Schäffer discussed the Russian war against Ukraine in Asharq News. He explained that the dialogue should always be an option but with a reliable counterpart who does not change their narrative constantly. The war ends if the Russian regime stops the aggression. It is as simple as complicated as that. Nothing justifies the terror caused by the Kremlin who intentionally targets civilians in Ukraine. Putin attacked not only a country, but our values like freedom and democracy. Most of the Western countries do understand this by now and are willing to support Ukraine until it wins. 

You can watch the whole interview here.