Hungary as a Trojan Horse of the EU?

Sebastian Schäffer was interviewed by Eurasia Diary about the relation of Hungary with the EU. It is available in Azeri here.

Here are some excerpts in English:

„I don’t think that Viktor Oban is a Trojan horse of the Russian Federation inside the European Union. However, his actions and standpoint towards Ukraine, certainly serve the interest of Vladimir Putin. It is not the first time and it will unfortunately also not be the last time that the Hungarian Prime Minister is blackmailing Brussels. He needs the additional funds, and in order to unfreeze them he will not resort from using such despicable methods. It is politically, but also morally corrupt to try to gain a financial advantage on the backs of the Ukrainians who have been fighting for our freedom and our values and deserve not only the aid package, but also the opening of the negotiations that at least Orban didn’t veto, but he immediately after the decision has been taken (after he left the room as suggested by the German Chancellor) publicly denounced.“

Péter Techet über das Erstarken des Antisemitismus in Europa im Kontext des Nahostkonfliktes

Die ungarischsprachige Sendung des öffentlich-rechtlichen Slowakischen Rundfunks führte ein Interview mit Péter Techet über die Gründe für das Erstarken des Antisemitismus als Folge des Nahostkonflikts. Techet analysierte die pro-israelische Haltung vieler rechtspopulistischer Parteien, mit der sie ihre antimuslimischen Haltungen zu verbergen versuchen. Gleichzeitig sprach er über die antisemitischen Elemente des linken und muslimischen „Antizionismus“.

Das gesamte Gespräch (in ungarischer Sprache) ist hier zu hören.

Über die neue Anti-EU-Kampagne der ungarischen Regierung

Peter Techet sprach mit der französischen Tageszeitung „La Croix“ über die neue Kampagne, die die ungarische Regierung gegen Ursula von der Leyen und den Sohn von George Soros, Alex Soros lanciert hatte. Techet analysierte dabei auch die neuerliche Verfassungsänderung, welche einen ideologisch motivierten, verstärkten Schutz der „Souveränität“ vorsieht.

Der ganze Artikel steht nur Abonennt*innen frei zur Verfügung.

Eines der drängendsten Themen unserer Zeit

Warum das österreichische Veto gegen den Schengen-Beitritt von Bulgarien und Rumänien aus vielen Gründen kurzsichtig ist, erklären Sophia Beiter und Sebastian Schäffer im Gastkommentar in DiePresse.

Lesen Sie es hier.


Der Gastkommentar wurde in internationalen Medien rezipiert:





How political parties used TikTok to target young voters in Poland’s general elections

Malwina Talik was interviewed by Gezim Hilaj/Interhackitives about the role of social media, especially TikTok in targeting young voters in Poland`s general elections.
You can read (and watch) it here.

Robert Fico Returns: Will Slovakia Become the New Hungary?

Left-wing populist Robert Fico, who was removed from power in Slovakia in 2018 after corruption scandals, has returned to power and formed a coalition with leftist and nationalist parties, which could have significant implications for Central Europe and the European Union.

Read the whole article by Daniel Martínek and Péter Techet here.

Wohin steuert Polen?

Polen hat ein neues Parlament gewählt, die Opposition um Donald Tusk könnte künftig regieren. Politologin Malwina Talik analysiert im Video, was das für die Zukunft des Landes heißt.

Lesen Sie den gesamten Artikel hier.


Is the Polish Government’s Provocative Immigration Rhetoric Going To Work?

Poland’s general elections are coming up this Sunday. The ruling Law and Justice party has added a referendum to the ballot, with questions intended to stoke fears about immigration. This may be a tactic Law and Justice is using to edge out its right-wing challenger, Konfederacja. But will it work?

Read the whole article here.

The Slovaks Opted for Stability and Peace – Will It Work?

For months, Slovaks have been worried about the chaos and confusion affecting their country. Three and a half years after the last parliamentary elections, Slovakia stands at a pivotal juncture in its political journey. 

To find out more about the political situation in Slovakia, continue reading Kinga Brudzińska’s article:

The Slovaks Opted for Stability and Peace – Will It Work?

En quête de stabilité et de paix : les Slovaques ont-ils fait le bon choix ?

What will Ukraine’s membership of the European Union change? – German expert Explains

The European Union is expected to begin discussions with Ukraine regarding its future EU membership. However, Ukraine must first fulfill seven conditions set by the Commission, including judicial reforms and the fight against corruption.

Read the whole article with Sebastian Schäffer for ED News here.