War in Europe

„In Ukraine, More Than European Peace Is at Stake“- an article by Jack Gill and Sebastian Schäffer for Fair Observer

In their latest article, IDM colleagues Jack Gill and Sebastian Schäffer discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, Russia’s aggressive foreign policy and how the West can and should respond. Given the high stakes for all parties involved and for European security, it’s now up to the West to deter Russian aggression.
The whole article is available here.

IDM Short Insights 16: Constitutional referendum in Serbia


In January 2022 the citizens of Serbia had to decide whether or not they are for the reform of the constitution. What is the recent constitutional referendum about and how will it impact Serbia’s path to the European Union? Nina Vorgić (IDM trainee) gives an overview of the process and context of the referendum.


„Russia and West cannot reach a long term solution, but they can keep only the status quo“, Sebastian Schäffer for Eurasia Diary English

Botschaftervortrag: „Zwischen Frieden und Krieg“ Rumänien und Österreich um 1900

Zwischen Frieden und Krieg“. Rumänien und Österreich um 1900.Szenen einer wohlwollenden Gleichgültigkeit.

Vortrag des Botschafters von Rumänien S.E. Botschafter Emil Hurezeanu am 13.01.2022

In Kooperation mit der Diplomatischen Akademie und der Botschaft Rumäniens in Wien.

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Gesandte Dr. Susanne KEPPLER-SCHLESINGER Stellvertretende Direktorin der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien

Vizekanzler a.D. Dr. Erhard BUSEK Vorsitzender des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa

Mihai Răzvan UNGUREANU Ehemaliger Ministerpräsident von Rumänien Projektmitarbeiter am Institut für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa (IDM)



Erhard BUSEK Vorsitzender des Instituts für den Donauraum und Mitteleuropa

When the Green Deal Is a No Deal

When the Green Deal Is a No Deal

In her article „When the Green Deal is a No Deal“ for Fair ObserverDaniela Apaydinargues that considering different perceptions of the Green New Deal in Central Eastern Europe, we need an honest debate beyond the repeating promises of growth. Populists already utilize existing fears of becoming “losers of the green transition” which could lead to further divisions within the EU. Therefore, top-down policies need to also keep democratic deficiencies and weak civil societies in mind.
The whole article is available here.