Montenegro at the crossroads to the EU

In her blog article Darija Benić, IDM’s former trainee, explains the reasons for political instability in the context of approaching presidential elections in Montenegro.

The previous year has seen many unresolved issues in Montenegro, which have deepened its ongoing political crisis, attracting a lot of attention far beyond its borders and challenging its accession to the EU. After regaining its independence in 2006, it seemed that Montenegro should not face any major obstacles to becoming the next EU Member State. But is that really the case?  

Montenegro declared independence from the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro in 2006. After applying for EU membership in 2008, the country started the accession process officially in June 2012. So far, Montenegro has started all 33 of her negotiation chapters and has tentatively finished 3 of the total number. With Russia’s brutal war of aggression in Ukraine, Montenegro has also shown that it is 100% aligned with the EU’s common foreign and security policy, including all sanctions against Russia. At the same time, however, various EU officials have realized that Montenegro’s accession appears to be stalling. What happened? 

One of the decisive moments that affected the political atmosphere and increased internal tensions was the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church in August 2022. It guarantees the Serbian Orthodox Church ownership of churches and monasteries on the territory of Montenegro, which, as the Democratic Party of Socialists stated, is violating the Constitution of Montenegro and will move the country further away from the EU. Relations with Serbia remain challenging but both sides are willing to work toward discussing open issues. Besides addressing the question of Serbian Orthodox Churches in Montenegro, some of the issues also include Montenegro’s accession to the Open Balkan regional initiative (a so-called mini Schengen zone in the Western Balkans), as well as the extradition of Svetozar Marović (the former president of Serbia and Montenegro charged on suspicion of being involved in corruption and smuggling), the ongoing economic crisis, and the attitude towards Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, where Serbia still hasn’t imposed sanctions, although it has condemned the invasion. Another issue, which is closely related to the previous, is membership in the NATO alliance. Montenegro has been a member of the alliance since 2017, but not Serbia, which claims military neutrality. One of the main reasons for this is that the expansion of NATO is fiercely opposed by Russia, from which Serbia has support in the matter of Kosovo, as well as dependence on Russian gas supplies. Kosovo is another point of differing attitudes between Montenegro and Serbia; in 2008, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia, which Montenegro was among the first countries to recognize. 

Apart from its relations with Serbia, which had a major impact in the previous period, there are additional issues at the national level in Montenegro that are affecting its path to the EU. Polarization, a lack of productive dialogue between political parties, and a failure to forge consensus on crucial issues of national interest led to the resignation of two turbulent governments. This political unpredictability and instability has affected the proper functioning of Montenegrin institutions. Due to the Parliament’s failure to elect new members and the incomplete composition of the key judicial bodies, the Constitutional Court was unable to fulfill its role as of mid-September because there was no quorum. It has only three judges out of a total of seven, therefore it cannot make decisions on constitutional appeals, which also refer to election processes. Without the final decision of the Constitutional Court, it is not possible to constitute a new government after the election. 

Furthermore, the governments and the parliament have failed to demonstrate in practice their engagement as regards the EU-related reform agenda. In order to secure institutional and political stability, Western allies and the EU have been urging Montenegrin political leaders for months to come to an agreement on unblocking the constitutional court. If the judges are not chosen, the European Union has threatened the possibility of terminating accession negotiations with Montenegro. Given the current situation, this warning could have been anticipated and it is clear that, after 10 years of negotiations, the country has never been faced with such a blockade as it is now at the beginning of 2023. 

Hopes were high after the last election in 2020, where Đukanović and the ruling elite did not openly interfere. The collapse of Europe’s longest consecutive ruling government (the DPS had been in power since 1989) and the democratic change has raised hopes that prosperity is possible after all, but there’s a long way to go. Many believed that Montenegro had finally left behind the regime that did not reflect the reality in this multiethnic country and was only a manipulation particularly designed for the international public. 


The presidential elections in Montenegro 


The fourth presidential election, since the restoration of independence and the seventh since the introduction of the multiparty system will be held on 19 March. From either side, it is uncertain who exactly will be running for president. There isn’t even a distinct coalition in sight. The fact that there are only two months until the presidential elections and the public is unaware of a single trustworthy candidate on either side is striking. Moreover, it appears that everyone is in some way shocked that the elections are taking place right now. 

In a number of media appearances, the current Montenegrin president, Milo Đukanović, refused to say whether he would run for office again. It is also unknown whether, by the day of the election, Montenegro will have a functional constitutional court, which is necessary for the announcement of the election’s final results. The sixth round of judges‘ elections is underway, as the previous five attempts failed due to the impossibility of reaching an agreement between the ruling majority and the opposition. 

Prime Minister Dritan Abazović assessed that the selection of constitutional court judges could be completed at the beginning of February. And the president of the parliament, Danijela Đurović, said that all political actors must show maximum responsibility and contribute in order for the country to emerge from the political and institutional crisis. 

Montenegro has been given the opportunity to once again attempt to stabilize the situation, but with very short deadlines and with everything moving dynamically, we have yet to see how the political elites respond in the upcoming months. What is the way out of this current situation? The priority should be to unblock the constitutional court in order to correct the country’s constant political instability, focus on its long-standing European ambitions, and form a government that can prioritize EU reforms. 


Darija Benić– a student in the Master’s program in Planning and Management of Tourist and Cultural Systems at the University of Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) and a former trainee at the IDM ( July to December 2022). She holds a BA degree in Languages and Cultures for Tourism and International Mediation from the same university.

The Impact of the War in Ukraine on Central and East European Support for Democracy in 2022 

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine distracted the Central and East European (CEE) governments from a clear and consistent focus on democracy support in 2022. CEE leaders, like in other parts of Europe, focused more on increasing their own defense budget and capabilities and military aid to Ukraine, rather than boosting their democracy commitments.  

However, the invasion did not alter all aspects of their democracy policy. Quite the opposite; in the Czech Republic, for example, the election of the new president General Petr Pavel and the new government led by Prime Minister Petr Fiala have pushed the country in a direction more supportive of democracy and human rights protection than in previous years. Lithuania was the most vocal European country on the Taiwan issue, opening a trade office in Taipei in November 2022. In protest of China’s „no-limits“ friendship with Russia, Estonia and Latvia left the 16+1 initiative, a Beijing-backed forum aimed at boosting relations with East European countries. Finally, once elected, Slovenia’s first ever female president, Nataša Pirc Musar, reiterated her pledge to promote fundamental rights and democracy 

While the country priorities have not changed for many CEE countries – for example Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova remained important for Poland and the Baltic states, and the Western Balkans for Slovenia, Slovakia and Croatia – the war in Ukraine has shifted CEE focus and efforts. The most visible challenge for the democratic movement was observed in Belarus, which suffered from significantly less attention in 2022. Still, Lithuania continued to provide a safe haven for Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, and Austria provided €50,000 to a training program for Belarusian civil society. 

Thematic approaches also remained unaffected in 2022. For example, Estonia’s priority was to strengthen democracy and empower local governments in Eastern Partnership countries.Latvia funded new projects on countering disinformation in Moldova; on inclusive human rights education in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine; and on capacity building for judicial reform in Ukraine. Media freedom was another issue that received increasing attention, and Austria organized a conference on the safety of journalists. 

To sum up, the security aspects of the strategic landscape on the East European border were diluted but did not undermine CEE democracy commitments in 2022. Moreover, similarly to recent years, while Central and East European states generally increased their democracy funding and were better at quantifying democracy support, its prominence in CEE foreign policy priorities and the scale remains extremely modest. For example, while Poland, the biggest CEE country, allocates €7.5 million in 2022 for the Solidarity Fund PL, a state-funded entity whose activities are dedicated to democracy support, Denmark disburses €266 million to programs classified as “Government and Civil Society – General”. Finally, the illiberal political developments in Hungary and Poland keep sapping CEE’s credibility in providing democracy support and defending human rights abroad. Hungary and Bulgaria remain largely absent among Ukraine’ supporters and democracy promoters. 

These are only a few of the findings of the Annual Review of European Democracy Support in 2022, published by the European Democracy Hub, a joint initiative of Carnegie Europe and the European Partnership for Democracy that aims to inform debates about policies geared toward upholding democracy internationally.  

To learn more about Central and East European Support for Democracy and about policies, strategies, and initiatives at the level of the European Union (EU) as well as those of its Member States and of non-EU European countries active in democracy support (Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom), please visit here 


From the IDM, Research Associate Dr Kinga Brudzińska contributed to the report. 

IDM Short Insights 21: Czech Presidential Elections


The Czech Republic has elected a new president! A former general Petr Pavel won a landslide victory over former Czech prime minister Andrej Babis. In the newest Short Insight, shot in Prague, our colleague Daniel Martinek explains why this election brought many surprises and what it means to Czechia and the EU.

Sebastian Schäffer quoted by Azerbajani media

Sebastian Schäffer has been recently interviewed by several Azerbajani media. Below you can find quotes from and links to the selected ones: 

On challenges for energy transition:

One can only imagine what would have been possible if the same ambition had been invested in real alternative sources a couple of years ago“

On the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

„The Kremlin feels very comfortable in its victimhood. According to them it is almost always the failure of everyone else and especially the West that is acting against them“

Sebastian Schäffer for Alghad TV

Sebastian Schäffer participated in a talk on Alghad TV about the Franco-German relations and the current security situation in the EU. He stated that despite many differences, both countries are close allies which was reiterated in the context of the 60th anniversary of the Elysee Treaty. Their relation is also reflected in different positions towards the war in Ukraine and diverging understanding of showing support and solidarity. Hoewever, there are bigger dissonances within the EU member states, especially in Central and Eastern Europe, than between Paris and Berlin. 

The IDM joined the EPIN network

Cooperation and networks that facilitate the exchange of ideas and improve policy advice are of key importance for think tanks.

This is why we are happy to announce that the IDM has become a member of the EPIN – European Policy Institutes Network, a network of European think tanks and policy institutes focusing on current EU and European political and institutional debates. It brings together 38 partners from 25 countries.

EPIN’s main mission is to expand and deepen the body of knowledge on EU affairs and to develop valuable insights into the future of Europe. It provides a platform for researchers and policy analysts to collaborate, bring their national perspectives and develop professional links, exchange knowledge and collaborate on EU-related projects.

We look forward to our cooperation!

The IDM is also a member of the OSCE network of think tank and academic institutions since 2021. The Network aims to contribute to OSCE-related debates and to support comprehensive and cooperative security, it also provides academic and policy expertise, stimulates discussion, and raises awareness of the OSCE.



Sebastian Schäffer about the Russian war against Ukraine for Asharq News

Last evening Sebastian Schäffer discussed the Russian war against Ukraine in Asharq News. He explained that the dialogue should always be an option but with a reliable counterpart who does not change their narrative constantly. The war ends if the Russian regime stops the aggression. It is as simple as complicated as that. Nothing justifies the terror caused by the Kremlin who intentionally targets civilians in Ukraine. Putin attacked not only a country, but our values like freedom and democracy. Most of the Western countries do understand this by now and are willing to support Ukraine until it wins. 

You can watch the whole interview here.



Goodbye Kuna and Borders

In his blog article Dino Filipovic, the IDM’s Croatian trainee, explains the positive and negative aspects of entering the Schengen Area and the Eurozone. 

The celebration on New Year’s Eve took many of us away for a moment from the fact that last year brought us war and that many new challenges await us in the next one. Few could have predicted that in the year 2022, on European soil, we would witness the insane destruction of cities and the misfortunes of many people. However, we can only hope that these tectonic changes in international relations will have as few adverse effects on our lives as possible and that the new year 2023 will be much more positive. In this direction, the war experiences of the 1990s in Croatia can be an example to the Ukrainian people that even such difficulties will eventually be overcome and that a period of reconstruction and prosperity will soon follow. 

Along with the standard drinking of New Year’s champagne, entry into the new year was especially important for the citizens of Croatia.  This was confirmed on the first day of the new year by the arrival of Ursula von der Leyen at the Bregana border crossing between Slovenia and Croatia to congratulate Croatian Prime Minister Plenković on entering the Schengen zone and switching to the euro. While pictures of Croatian officials cheerfully paying for their European colleagues’ coffee in euros spread quickly in the media, in practice these changes meant the beginning of a chaotic period. The possibility of still paying in kunas for the first two weeks, and refunding money in euros, caused great confusion on the first day. While some kept copies of the kuna as a souvenir, others rushed to shops to get a euro in return and get rid of the remaining banknotes and coins of the former currency. This created immediate congestion and problems for traders, who still showed insufficient readiness despite a long period of preparation. In addition to the above, numerous examples of Turkish lira coins were found in circulation, visually resembling one-euro coins. The elderly population is especially susceptible to this type of fraud, but given that many Croats have learned to change currencies from Yugoslavian and Croatian dinars to kuna, there is no doubt that this problem will soon become a thing of the past.  

Soaring prices 

What resonated much more strongly with the public and affected Croatian citizens was the price increase. Just a few months ago, the governor of the Croatian National Bank and government members assured us that such a scenario was impossible. However, the prime minister and the minister of economy and sustainable development appeared in front of the television cameras with confused faces and visibly surprised. Urgent talks with the directors of the retail chains followed this. The Croatian government publicly threatened to blacklist traders who used the opportunity to raise prices, and the government promptly reacted by activating the inspectorate. Through special price monitoring, the state inspectorate determined a price increase of 13 percent. Among the listed items were basic foodstuffs such as water, juice, eggs, and chicken meat. At the same time, traders try to find justifications and claim that the price increase was not due to the introduction of the euro but due to a rise in costs. In the meantime, Croatian citizens, from markets and bakeries to hair salons, face higher prices than in December last year. The transition to the euro today gives us the possibility not only to compare, for example, salaries and pensions with the rest of the EU but also to compare the prices of essential items very simply. Accordingly, numerous media outlets recently published tables where it was possible to see that many foodstuffs are much cheaper in neighboring countries such as Slovenia. All this additionally caused resentment among the citizens, and in the coming period, we will see if the price increase will continue. 

No borders or shifted borders? 

In contrast to the confusion surrounding the introduction of the euro, it was predictable that the entry into the Schengen Area would pass without major problems. However, the abolition of border controls towards Slovenia and Hungary also means increased controls towards Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Thus, on the first days of the new year, people waited for hours at the border crossings with Serbia, and the lines were kilometers long. However, the reason for this was also the Christmas holidays, and the situation returned to normal very quickly. Returning to the traineeship in Vienna after the holidays was also exciting for me personally because, for the first time, I had the opportunity to travel to the rest of the EU without stopping at the border. Although I was looking forward to the fact that this winter I would not have to get off the bus to show the border police my identity document, the Austrian police denied my expectations by stopping the bus at the border between Slovenia and Austria and made my journey no different from the previous ones. Despite this, I am looking forward to the fact that with these changes, the long line towards the Adriatic Sea in the summer period will forever be a part of history. 

What lies ahead? 

It is indisputable that Croatia achieved almost all of its foreign policy goals with the changes mentioned above, except for membership in the OECD. It is to be expected that the ruling elites will start seriously dealing with internal problems in order to catch up with the rest of the EU. The recent population census is the best indicator that young people in this country do not see prospects and are looking for their happiness in countries like Germany, Austria, or Ireland. While European officials were drinking the first New Year’s coffee in Zagreb, just a few tens of kilometers away in the earthquake-affected area, residents welcomed the new year in containers.  It is a devastating fact that the Croatian government, three years after the earthquake, has not yet renovated even a single house and that despite the available European funds, the renovation process has not even started. It remains to be hoped that the new year will bring positive developments in this segment as well. After the football euphoria has almost completely diminished, with a new currency in their pockets, Croatian citizens are looking towards a more stable situation both internally and internationally. 


Dino Filipovic – a student of Master’s program in Development and International Relations at Aalborg University (Denmark) and currently a trainee at the IDM. He holds a BA degree in International Relations from the Libertas International University in Zagreb, where he was also a contributing author of the student newspaper Libertas.    

Sebastian Schäffer about Russia’s continued aggression for Eurasia Diary

“It doesn’t matter if tanks are labelled as defensive or offensive, they need to serve the purpose to help Ukraine to fight back the invasion and win the war” states Sebastian Schäffer in an interview for Eurasia Diary – English  

Read the full article here.