Lula already backtracked – Exclusive with Sebastian Schaeffer

Sebastian Schäffer provided his insights on Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s recent statement during an interview. Lula declared that his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, would not be arrested in Brazil during the 2024 Group of 20 summit in Rio de Janeiro, as long as he is the president of Brazil. However, Sebastian Schaeffer pointed out that Lula had already backtracked from his statement, acknowledging that the judiciary would ultimately decide.

Read the whole article here.

Wird jetzt aus dem treuen Ukraine-Freund ein Gegner?

Daniel Martínek hat mit Blick über die Lage in der Slowakei vor den Parlamentswahlen gesprochen, darunter auch, wie sich die Wahlergebnisse auf die Unterstützung für die Ukraine auswirken könnten. 

Lesen Sie den Artikel hier.

Malwina Talik for ED News

Our colleague Malwina Talik was interviewed by ED News about the modus operandi of the EU asylum and migration system and the impact of migration on the EU economy. 

You can read the interview here.


Daniel Martinek at the Three Seas Initiative Summit 2023

On 6–7 September 2023, the eighth edition of the Three Seas Summit and Business Forum took place in Bucharest. Romania became the first of the states participating in the Initiative to host these events for the second time, after the editions held in 2018, also in Romanian capital. Daniel Martínek, IDM Research Associate, attended the event on behalf of IDM Director Sebastian Schäffer and was a speaker at the side event “Democratic Values: Challenges and Opportunities”, co-organised by the Romanian Ministry of Education and the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), on the occasion of a new edition of the Three Seas Business Forum. Schäffer has contributed with a working paper on Austria and 3SI to the Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the common agenda”. 

Martínek spoke on the panel on “Regional perspective over the 3SI challenges and opportunities” analysing issues such as societal polarisation, political fragmentation or disinformation and propaganda in the framework of the member states of the Three Seas Initiative, currently the most ambitious regional and geopolitical cooperation format in Europe. 

During the pivotal summit, Greece was accepted as the 13th member of the Initiative and the Republic of Moldova was granted the status of an associate partner after Ukraine (granted in 2022). Hundreds of guests, representatives of the business environment, experts and decision-makers attended the 3SI Business Forum to discuss strategies and investments in three main areas of the Initiative – Energy, Transportation and Digitalisation – in order to unlock the full potential of this geopolitically growing region of Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe. 

More information: 

Der Aufstieg des Ostens

Kinga Brudzinska wurde kürzlich in einem Artikel von Die Welt zitiert, der die wirtschaftliche Transformation in Mittel- und Osteuropa (CEE) analysiert und wie diese Länder – zum Beispiel in der Digitalisierung von FinanzdienstleistungenWesteuropa überholt haben.

Lesen Sie den Artikel hier.

„Black Sea Geopolitics and Ukraine’s Future” by Jack Gill

Jack Gill (IDM) has recently published a policy paper „Black Sea Geopolitics and Ukraine’s Future” (Year 4, No. 1-2, 2023. EU and Western Balkan states), which explores Russia’s current ‘grand strategy’ and its consequences for Ukraine and the rest of Europe, and suggests some ways in which Ukraine’s security may be guaranteed after Russia’s war of aggression. The paper was published as part of the proceedings of a conference on “Developing society’s post-war resilience in Ukraine – Perspectives and challenges – defence of democracy”.

Hoffen auf Europa: alte und neue Versprechen einer gemeinsamen Zukunft

Melanie Jaindl moderierte ein Gespräch zwischen dem deutschen Botschafter in Slowenien Adrian Pollmann und den Teilnehmer*innen der Sommerakademie des Max Weber-Programmes der bayerischen Landesbegabtenförderung (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). Inhaltlich drehte sich das Gespräch um die regionale Zusammenarbeit, nicht zuletzt im Hinblick auf die jüngsten schweren Unwetter in Slowenien und die Klimakrise. Darüber hinaus wurde die EU-Erweiterung am Westbalkan, diplomatische Arbeit vor und nach dem letzten slowenischen Regierungswechsel, die Bedeutung des Schengenbeitritts Kroatiens für Slowenien und die gesamte EU sowie der Krieg in der Ukraine diskutiert. 

Malwina Talik about tensions on the Poland-Belarus border for Eurasia Diary EN

In an interview for Eurasia Diary English, Malwina Talik (IDM) explained why she finds opening of a new front in Poland unrealistic under current circumstances and how Poland perceives incidents at the border to Belarus.